Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Claude Monet Art

Room 2 are busy learning about Claude Monet and reproducing some of his beautiful
 'Water Lilly' art. 

Look out for our gorgeous pieces at the upcoming school wide Art Auction.
We will be posting more of our creations as they are completed.

 Great work Olivia and Tama

 Water Lillie's in the making by Sandra

Loving the colours you have chosen Dante

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Earthquake drill

Room 2 have been practising their earthquake drill skills.
We know that we need to 

Check out how great we are at doing this :) 

Measuring in Maths

Mrs Pahl has been busy teaching measurement in Room 2

Guess who is the tallest and who is the shortest and who comes in between.
Our tallest children were 1m 20cm tall - wow!

Great job Room 2 and Mrs Pahl