We worked hard to get ready for Ag Day. Some children made sweets, pikelets, hanging baskets, and decorated gumboots at home. Everyone made a decorated pot, a sand saucer and a piece of spring flower art. Enjoy the photos from our day.
Bailey did a great job leading her lamb. Well done Bailey!
Whose foot is longer than my foot? Whose foot is the longest or the shortest?
We drew around our feet. Lined them up at the bottom and compared them.
Mrs Stewart's foot is the biggest in our class!
We are learning about the water cycle.
Today we watched the steam in a pan of boiling water rise up and condense on a metal slice.
Here are some photos.
We had two librarians visit us from the Katikati and Te Puke libraries to share stories and drama.
The highlight of the visit was putting on costumes to act out a story. Thank you Rebecca and Debbie.
We are learning to sort objects by colour or shape and then discuss the results. We are trying to use the words most, same, least, more than, and less than to compare the sets.
We will be learning a little about ANZAC this week. It will be low key as these children are only five. Have a chat with your children about the pictures on the link above and what they mean to you. I have started with some pictures of things they will relate to at Memorial Park, and then gone on to the memorial and other pictures more relevant to ANZAC Day.
Happy Easter and have an awesome break with your wonderful children. Keep practising their alphabet names and sounds. Keep learning to read and spell basic words. Have heaps of fun!
Look what Easter Bunny left in our Easter baskets!
We have learned a few skills here including cutting, dying on wet strength cartridge with crayon resist, and folding paper to create a zigzag.
Look below the Humpties and see one of our brand new heaters. We will be toasty and warm this winter! I wonder what colour the new paint will be. We will find out after the holidays.